Computer for Elinor

Total Cost - USD 368
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 368

Elinor, 19, is trying to turn her life around. At the age of 11, Elinor, along with her family, immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia. When she was 16, Elinor’s father died, leaving her mother to raise seven children on her own. Elinor’s mother couldn’t work as she had seven young children at home and didn’t speak Hebrew. She supported her family on monthly government stipends. Today, Elinor lives with her mother and four of her siblings in a cramped four-room apartment.
Elinor suffers from learning disabilities. Despite this, she managed to finish 12 years of schooling and all of her matriculation exams. Her average was close to a 90.
Elinor is a sensitive, caring, funny and diligent young woman.
Recently, however, Elinor’s social worker noticed that she is lacking any knowledge of basic life skills. For example, she has no idea how to manage a bank account or how to work with a computer. Elinor is now involved in a social services program that helps at-risk youth find their way towards building an independent life. She is enrolled in a pre-Army academy which is preparing her for her upcoming enlistment.
Elinor, like all her siblings, worked from a young age to help support themselves. She also earned a scholarship to pay for her tuition this year. Any money she has saved over the years is used to pay her cost of living, as well as to cover future dental work and driving lessons. Elinor is eager to acquire all the skills she needs in order to build a financially stable future for herself. Owning a computer would go a long way towards helping her integrate into the world at large. Unfortunately, Elinor cannot afford one.

Verified by: Rony Weinberg, Lamerchav | Case No.: 210061
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