Computer for Daniel

Total Cost - USD 1,009
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,009

Daniel, 9, needs a computer in order to do his schoolwork, but there is no money for one. Daniel lives with his father, 64, and his sister, 36; neither works (she has epilepsy), so the three survive on social security payments.

The family is very careful not to go into debt or overdraft at the bank, stretching the very little money they have just to cover their monthly needs. The house is clean and neat.

Daniel’s sister acts as his primary caretaker, setting boundaries, and going to school meetings and doctor’s appointments. She recognizes the importance of his having a computer, but has no way to purchase one for him.

Verified by: Galia Sabag, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 180297
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