Computer for Bar

Total Cost - USD 372
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 372

Bar, 23, finished 12 years of schooling and completed his full army service. Bar doesn’t have an easy family life – his parents have an unstable relationship and the house is often filled with tension. Finances are tight, and his relationship with his parents is shaky as well.

Over the years, Bar has worked odd jobs in order to support himself. Currently, he is unemployed but is taking driving lessons in order to work as a truck driver.

Bar’s greatest obstacle in life is that he has an intense stutter. This has caused him serious social issues and has damaged his self-confidence. Bar thirsts for a normal life, and social services has stepped in to help where they can. Bar has started speech therapy but desperately needs a computer in order to fully benefit from his lessons. Neither Bar nor his parents can afford this added expense. This is a young man who clearly wants to improve his quality of life and deserves every chance to do so.

Verified by: Tair Neria Ohana, Yated - Jerusalem | Case No.: 210205
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