Computer for Alon

Total Cost - USD 313
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 313

Alon, 41, is struggling to make ends meet.

Alon and his ex-wife have two children. Since the divorce, both of the kids have lived with their mother. Recently, however, Liran, 13, moved in with Alon. It hasn’t been a simple adjustment.

Ten years ago, Alon’s independent food business shut down. Alon was left with heavy debts and moved back in with his parents.

Today, Alon works as a maintenance man. His small income now has to cover Liran’s expenses, as well as his own.

When he was living with his mother, Liran used her computer to do his schoolwork. Alon doesn’t own a computer and cannot afford to buy one. As a result, Liran has resorted to doing his assignments on his cellphone.

If Alon could help buying a computer, there is no question that Liran’s quality of life would greatly improve.

Verified by: Bat-chen Neidorf, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East | Case No.: 220508
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