Childcare for Dalia

Total Cost - USD 1,297
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,297

Upon completing his army service, Nadav found work in building construction and repair. After a few years, he went out on his own as an independent contractor. Nadav, 42, made a good, consistent living and was able to support his wife and children. However, in the past year, work has dried up and so has his income. This has severely affected Nadav’s self-confidence. It has been difficult for him to ask for help and to take a job as an employee in a store, but he has done both of these things for the sake of his family.

His wife, Shira, is a part-time science teacher who does private tutoring on the side. Their oldest child, 13, was recently tested for learning issues; they are awaiting the results, so as to know how best to help him. Their youngest child, Dalia, is almost one. She recently started daycare so that her parents can both continue to work. With their limited finances, however, Nadav and Shira are having trouble finding the money to pay for her care.

They expect to receive a waiver because of their circumstances but that will take a couple of months. In the meantime, they have no way to pay the childcare costs. Without daycare, they will never be able to work enough hours to break out of their dire circumstances.

Verified by: Simon Ohayon, Otzma Center | Case No.: 200056
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