Pool Memberships and Day Camps for 150 Families

Total Cost - USD 41,186
Still Needed - USD 2
Funded - USD 41,184

We want to help 150 families with day camps and pool memberships/entry cards this summer!

Summers in Israel present unique challenges for families with children.  It is a time when many children and teens find themselves bored and without structure.  Day camps, which typically finish by 1 pm, are expensive and provide only a partial solution for parents. 

Israeli families with children typically register for pool memberships in order to cope with the long, hot summer days. August is particularly difficult as most subsidized programming stops and young children and their parents are left without viable frameworks.  Some children will go to “Kaytanat Savta” (Grandma’s camp) so their parents can continue working when there are no summer programs offered.

But what about those who can’t afford day camps or swimming pool memberships? 

What about those without grandparents willing and able to help? 

Ten Gav has targeted three cities, Ofakim, Netivot, and Beit Shemesh with whom to partner in our summer campaign. 

Our goal is to help 100 families at a cost of approximately 150,000 NIS or $45,000 USD.  We are already receiving requests for assistance with day camps and pool memberships for this summer.

This is direct giving at its best.  Please join us!

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