Business Coaching for Danya

Total Cost - USD 577
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 577

After suffering through an abusive marriage and a contentious divorce, Danya is raising her sons, ages seven and nine, on her own.

Traumatized by the situation, the boys developed emotional issues (as did Danya) and demand a lot of her attention, making it difficult for her to work.

Danya also has diabetes and has faced down depression.

Before things got so bad, Danya was an independent practitioner of natural medicine. She loves the field and would like to continue in it. To this end, she continues to take classes to advance her knowledge and abilities.

Her social worker recommends that Danya get some business coaching, with an eye toward marketing her skills and building her clientele. Danya finds this idea exciting, but cannot fully pay for the help. She has managed to put aside enough funds for half of the cost and her social worker has turned to Ten Gav donors for the balance.

Verified by: Efrat Chen, Department of Social Services, Raanana | Case No.: 180223
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