Bunk bed for Reut and Noam’s boys

Total Cost - USD 1,001
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,001

Reut and Noam immigrated to Israel nine years ago with their oldest children, now ages 10 and 13. After their arrival, they had a third child who is now four-years-old.

Six years ago, Noam had a work accident which left him with a severe hand injury. Soon after, he was diagnosed with PTSD and hasn’t been able to go back to work since. In fact, Noam barely leaves the house. He is under psychiatric care and takes regular medication.

That leaves Reut as the sole wage earner in the family. She works as a kindergarten assistant. When she briefly tried to take on a second job, they were forced to repay some of Noam’s benefits which left them in debt.

Reut is also responsible for dealing with the house and the children. The couple has no family here and, while social services helps them in whatever ways they can, Reut and Noam are basically on their own.

Reut supports her family with her wages, Noam’s disability benefits and a monthly government stipend. As she tries to cover her family’s living expenses and pay off their debts, Reut has very little money left for “extras”. She would very much like to buy a new bunk bed for her boys as their current beds are too small; a bunk bed would also save space in their tiny bedroom. Unfortunately, however, this is an expense that Reut and Noam cannot afford.

Verified by: Hagit Elisha, Department of Social Services, Holon | Case No.: 220388
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