Beds for Orly’s children

Orly, 42, is raising three young children and struggles to make ends meet.
Three months ago, Orly and her husband separated, and they are now in the midst of divorce proceedings.
Orly works part time as an aide to the elderly. Unfortunately, her two older children (ages 6 and 11) have learning disabilities and behavioral issues; as a result, Orly needs to be available to take them to therapy and deal with their various needs. In addition, Orly’s two-year-old is now being tested for developmental delays.
In short, Orly has her hands full and has no family to lean on.
Orly brings in a small income and receives monthly child support payments. Despite this, she doesn’t come close to covering her expenses. Social services is aware of her situation and helps in whatever ways they can.
At the moment, Orly’s most desperate need is new beds for her two older children. Their beds are broken, and they now sleep on Orly’s bed; she sleeps on the living room sofa.
If Orly could get help buying her children a stable bunk bed, they could all get a decent night’s sleep, and try to move forward with their lives.