Beds for Nomi and Yonatan’s children

Total Cost - USD 990
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 990

Nomi, 34, and Yonatan, 36, are struggling. The couple has seven children, ages 1-13, and can barely make ends meet.

Nomi has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She was working 30 hours a week as a secretary but since the birth of her youngest child, she has had to cut back her hours. She also receives a monthly disability stipend.

Yonatan was working as a messenger until the Corona crisis began, and he was laid off. He now learns in a yeshiva in the mornings and is at home with his children in the afternoons. Because of Nomi’s psychological condition, Yonatan bears most of the burden of caring for the children and the house.

Nomi and Yonatan’s most pressing need right now are three beds for their children. Their current beds are old and broken, but Nomi and Yonatan cannot afford to buy new ones. These young, innocent children deserve a decent night’s sleep.

Verified by: Raya Rivlin, Department of Social Services, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 220273
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