Beds for Neta and Aryeh’s children

Total Cost - USD 1,001
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,001

Neta, 34, and Aryeh, 37, are doing their very best to support their family. Each of them works outside of the home – Neta as an emotional therapist and Aryeh as an aide at a rehabilitation center for children. Despite their hard work, they struggle to meet the daily needs of their seven children, ages 9 months-13.

At the moment, some of the children are sleeping on mattresses on the floor, as Neta and Aryeh cannot afford the cost of new beds. With a little bit of help, their children can get a decent night’s sleep – something every growing child needs.

Verified by: Dina Malka, Department of Social Services, Ramat Eshkol | Case No.: 220219
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