Beds for Darya’s children

Total Cost - USD 1,287
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,287

Darya, 33, is bringing up three young children (ages 12-15) on her own. Darya divorced her husband ten years ago because he was physically and emotionally abusive. The last time he attacked her, she ended up in the emergency room in critical condition. That’s when she knew she had to make a change.

Darya has worked steadily over the past decade as a bookkeeper. It wasn’t easy supporting her family of four, especially as she suffers from a herniated disc and chronic joint pain, but she managed.

When the Corona crisis hit, Darya hit a financial crisis. She fell into debt and ended up declaring personal bankruptcy. Her situation led to an emotional tailspin as well.

Six months ago, Darya started a new job but, unfortunately, was recently laid off. At the same time, her son was stabbed and fought for his life. He survived, but Darya struggled with severe emotional trauma.

Darya is now ready to turn her life around and get back on her feet. She has always been an incredibly dedicated and devoted mother who tried to meet her children’s every need. She is currently in therapy through social services and actively looking for a new job.

Darya and her children live in a public housing apartment. The small apartment is neat and tidy but many of the furnishings are either missing or broken. Darya’s most pressing need right now are new beds for her children. The ones they are sleeping on are too small and broken. Every growing child deserves a sturdy bed to sleep on.

Darya, who is making every effort to move forward with her life, deserves some help in order to succeed.

Verified by: Marcel Abergel, Department of Social Services, Sderot | Case No.: 220103
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