Bed for Shalev

Total Cost - USD 424
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 424

Natalya and Lior, both 38, are trying to provide their children with the childhood they never had, but they are struggling to do so.

Both Natalya and Lior grew up in dysfunctional homes; Natalya was sent to boarding schools, and Lior never finished high school. They married young and had three children.

Today, Lior works as a chef’s assistant, and Natalya is unemployed. Despite Lior’s hard work, the family has always struggled financially. They have had to move apartments often and, as a result, the children all suffer from serious emotional issues.

In addition to their emotional difficulties, both Dan, 18, and Rafi, 17, have been diagnosed with ADHD and learn in special needs classrooms. Shalev, 14, is developmentally delayed and needs round-the-clock care. She has been recognized as 100% disabled and receives a monthly government stipend.

Needless to say, the children’s various therapies and medications add an extra financial burden on to the family’s already over-stretched budget.

Natalya and Lior’s most desperate need right now is a bed for Shalev. Currently, she sleeps on an old, shaky recliner.

There is no question that a proper bed would go a long way towards improving Shalev’s quality of life. Let’s help make that happen.

Verified by: Tirtza Borzikovski, Department of Social Services, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 230226
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