Bed for Reuven

Life at home for Reuven, 18, is very difficult. Reuven’s father, Rafael, is unemployed. His mother, Miriam, is on emotional disability. Reuven has 12 siblings, and the family dynamics at home are very complicated. Rafael and Miriam, though they live in the same house, don’t speak. Many of the siblings don’t get along, while others are extremely close and supportive of each other. Whatever money does come into the house never seems to filter down to the five children who live at home – they are shabbily dressed, and there is often no food on the table.
Reuven has been hearing impaired since the age of five. He has always learned in a special ed setting but has trouble concentrating and often skips school.
The family lives in a crowded three-bedroom apartment, where Reuven and his older brother share an old, broken bed. The fact that Reuven cannot get a good night’s sleep makes it that much harder for him to function during the day. Unfortunately, Rafael and Miriam cannot afford to buy new beds but the current situation is untenable.