Bed for Ofer

Total Cost - USD 566
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 566

Dan, 46, is trying to manage everything for his family. He is the sole wage earner, working as a driver for a distribution company. His wife, Tzippy, is schizophrenic and prone to outbursts of anger. She needs constant supervision and cannot take care of the house or of their three children. The couple’s youngest son, Ofer, 8, is developmentally delayed and was recently diagnosed with autism. He cannot dress, clean or care for himself. He is unable to recognize any sources of danger, so he cannot be left alone. For years, Dan has tried to time his arrival home to coincide with Ofer’s dismissal from school, but this cuts into his work hours and thus, into his earnings. Dan and Shira’s 18-year-old son also has learning disabilities. Their oldest son, 21, is prone to anxiety attacks, has apoplexy and is developing psychological issues similar to his mother’s. To make matters even worse, Dan has been experiencing severe pain in one of his hands. He is scheduled for an operation to reduce the pain, but he will have to quit his current employment and try to find a job suited to his new limitations.

Lately, Ofer has been having increasing difficulty sleeping at night. He cannot fall asleep and insists on having his father with him before he can drift off. Ofer is still sleeping in a child’s bed which is much too small for him. No doubt he would sleep better in a bed sized appropriately for him, but Ofer and Tzippy cannot afford the expense. A good night’s sleep would no doubt improve everybody’s quality of life.

Verified by: Miri Fogel, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East | Case No.: 210195
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