Bed for Ido’s Son

Total Cost - USD 1,527
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,527

After his divorce four years ago, Ido underwent an emotional crisis. He left the kollel where he had been studying and found himself without a job and temporarily homeless. Ido now lives in a two-bedroom apartment and works as a cleaner for the Israel Railway Company.

Ido has a very strong relationship with his oldest son. The 15-year old is in a state boarding school but spends most Shabbatot with his father. Ido is trying hard to maintain a good relationship with his other eight children as well. When they were in boarding school, he visited them regularly but since they moved back to their mother, much further away, they have often missed visits, and the connection has weakened.

Ido has very little furniture, only that which he has collected or found second-hand. He would like to have some comfortable beds so that it would be easier for his children to come stay with him occasionally.

His salary as a cleaner is not enough to allow him to buy the beds but it would make him happy to be able to have his children sleep over and to rebuild his bonds with them.

Verified by: Rachela parash Kirschenbaum, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190182
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