Bed for Alon

Nurit, 34, does her very best to create a warm and loving environment for her two young children, Sapir, 6, and Alon, 11.
Nurit, who is divorced, works part-time since she has to be available to take her children to school in the morning and pick them up later in the day. Her ex-husband has minimal contact with his children; he constantly disappoints them by failing to call or show up for visits. He pays no child support; Nurit is truly on her own.
The family of three lives in a government-subsidized apartment. Nurit has managed to create a warm and tidy home for her children. She lives very frugally, and social services helps in whatever ways they can.
Nurit’s most pressing need right now is a new bed for Alon. His bed recently broke, and she cannot afford to replace it. Alon, like every growing child, deserves a decent night’s sleep.