Bunk Bed for Dinah’s Children

Total Cost - USD 980
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 980

Dina is a caring, competent mother. She keeps the family’s apartment clean and orderly, and takes loving, diligent care of her five children. She and their father divorced a year ago, after a difficult marriage. He is emotionally unstable and is incapable of holding a regular job. His contact with the family is irregular and he does not pay any child support.

Dina and the children live in a tiny three-room apartment. There is no space for closets, so they pile their belongings, including school supplies, clothing, and games, against the walls. Dina does not currently work, but she is taking part in a support group aimed at helping mothers like her find gainful employment in order to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Two of Dina’s children have special needs – the oldest (13) is autistic, while the youngest (4), is developmentally delayed and has communication issues. She sleeps in her mother’s room; the other four children share the other bedroom of the apartment. None of them has any privacy. The bunk bed in which three of the kids sleep is worn and broken, and there are springs coming out of the mattresses.

With almost no income, Dina does not have the resources to buy the children a new bed.

Verified by: Shir Elbaz, Department of Social Services, Ashdod- Rehabilitation Department | Case No.: 190023
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