Art therapy for David

Total Cost - USD 424
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 424

Sara, 35, and Chaim, 40, are raising nine young children, ages 1-14. The couple lives an ultra-Orthodox lifestyle; Chaim learns in a yeshiva and Sara works as a computer instructor.

David, the couple’s nine-year-old son, has been diagnosed with severe ADHD and hyperactivity. He also suffers from learning disabilities and developmental delays. While he is a happy and upbeat child, David clearly demands the majority of his parents’ attention, and the needs of their other children are often overlooked.

David finishes school at 13:30 and needs constant supervision when he is at home. He can pose a danger to himself and needs immediate response to his every demand. The home environment is a very stressful one.

Sara reports that David is a very creative and talented child. After discussions with his social worker and teachers, it was decided that an art therapy course would be hugely beneficial for him. It would give David an outlet for his energy and creativity, allow him a feeling of accomplishment and raise his level of self-motivation. It would also allow Sara a bit of a break.

Needless to say, an after-school activity is certainly not in Sara and Chaim’s budget. There’s no doubt though that it would greatly improve this innocent child’s quality of life.

Verified by: Racheli Singiner, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 210681
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