Air conditioner for Aviv
Three-year-old Aviv is terribly ill. In order to care for him and administer his medicines, Aviv’s mother has had to leave her job. In addition, because his three older brothers need care and attention as well, Aviv’s father has had to shorten his working hours as a building manager. These income cuts have made it extremely difficult to meet everyone’s daily needs. In addition, Aviv needs daily dialysis, and the only way to get him to the hospital safely is by ambulance. Needless to say, this is yet another expense that needs to be covered.
Because of Aviv’s compromised immune system, he needs to spend all of his time at home in a completely sterile environment. So, despite the family’s limited financial resources, he needs his own bedroom. Fortunately, the family has just been granted a public housing unit with a separate room for Aviv, at a level of rent that they expect to be able to pay. Aviv’s new room, however, does not have an air conditioner. In the hot summer months, the room will be unbearable for Aviv; in the winter, he will need the heat that it can supply. Aviv’s parents cannot afford to buy an air conditioner, but it will be impossible for him to live safely in the room without one.