Acting Course for Aya

Total Cost - USD 937
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 937

Aya’s parents spent years quarreling until they finally divorced. Her father disappeared, leaving her mother to care for Aya and her five siblings. However, Aya’s mother had few parenting skills, nor any ability to hold a job. Aya, now 18, spent much of her childhood in a series of boarding schools and found neither stability nor support at home or in school. Two years ago, she started at a new school and things changed. She decided that she wanted to complete her full high school requirements and with a huge effort and lots of encouragement, she will soon do so.

Aya’s social worker describes her as mature and talented, with extraordinary motivation, deep emotional reserves, and strong survival skills. However, she also notes that because of her background, Aya lacks self-confidence and is often unable to speak up for herself. Aya has been in school plays and enjoyed the positive feedback that she received, so she would like to act some more. More importantly, she knows that an acting course will help her to develop the self-confidence and ability to express herself that she needs to move forward in life.

Aya lives in an apartment with a roommate and supports herself entirely. Because of her studies, she cannot hold a regular job, but takes whatever temporary work she can find. She cannot afford the tuition for the acting course, but taking it would fulfill a dream, providing an additional step on her road to success.

Verified by: Tamar Eliahu, Division for the Advancement of Youth, Jerusalem | Case No.: 180367
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