Academic Tuition for Shimon

Shimon moved to Israel from Ethiopia with his family when he was six, in 2003. It was a difficult transition, from which his parents are still struggling. In addition, his younger sister developed a serious illness that has disabled her completely. Shimon’s parents put in long, hard hours as cleaners, and devote the bulk of their few resources to his sister’s care.
Aware of this, Shimon has always tried to take care of his own needs and not to ask them for money. He worked hard, studied seriously, and is currently in his last year of university; he expects to graduate soon with a degree in Engineering.
However, he used most of his savings in the first years of school and cannot cover the tuition for this last year. Shimon is motivated and determined to make a life for himself that is financially stable and will allow him to take care of his family. But all of his efforts will have been wasted if he can’t finish this last year of his degree.