Bed for Rafi

Total Cost - USD 424
Still Needed - USD -1
Funded - USD 425

Yahel, 47, and Maor, 53, are trying their hardest to make ends meet. Maor, who works in maintenance, has been actively looking for a job for the past three years. Because he has a criminal past, he has not been successful. He isn’t giving up, however. Yahel works full-time as an administrator in the local health fund.

Yahel and Maor are raising three young children, ages 6-11. Maor recently renovated their apartment with his own two hands. All the family is missing is a bed for Rafi, their youngest child, who is sleeping on a bed that is way too small for him. Unfortunately, this is an expense that Yahel and Maor cannot currently afford.

This is a couple who is trying to stand on their own two feet; they just need a little bit of help in order to do so.

Verified by: Kerem Dayag Ohayon, Department of Social Services, Raanana | Case No.: 220541
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